DHL Headquarters Address
DHL Headquarters Address
If you are planning to visit DHL Headquarters, you can use the given address details: Deutsche Post AG, Headquarters, Platz der Deutschen Post, 53113 Bonn. For mailing purposes you can use the postal address for DHL Headquarters Address: Deutsche Post AG, Headquarters, 53250 Bonn. We suggest you to seek an official appointment prior to your visit at company’s headquarters.
CEO Email Address
Looking for DHL US CEO email address? You can get in touch with DHL Express U.S. CEO Greg Hewitt on his official email address: You can use this email id for posting high priority concerns or issues. For general inquiries, please avoid contact on this email address, you can contact customer relations team of DHL for same.
Press Contacts
If you belong to any media group and looking for media content, news or fresh media updates, you can get in touch with DHL Media Relations Team. Here we are providing Media Relations Team contact info of Germany and USA. Please refer the details:
For USA DHL Media Relations, contact Dan McGrath (Head of Corporate Communications & Responsibility Team – Americas) at address: DHL Americas, 2700 South Commerce Parkway, Suite 300, Weston, FL 33331, USA. Or call at Phone: +1 954 303 6075
- Contact Bea Garcia (Director of Media Relations – Americas), DHL America at address: 1210 South Pine Island Road – 3rd Floor, Plantation, FL 33324, USA. Or call at Phone: +1 954 701 9265.
- Contact Robert Mintz (Corporate Communications Lead – DHL Express US), DHL Express on Phone: +1 206 674 4006
For Germany DHL Media Relations, you can get in touch with Media Relations Team: Monika Schaller (Executive Vice President Group Communications, Sustainability & Brand), Anita Gupta (Head of Global Media Relations), Christina Neuffer (Spokesperson for the topics Business and Financial Communication, Global Business Services, Corporate Topics), Claus Korfmacher (Spokesperson for the topic DHL (general) and Dirk Klasen (Spokesperson for the topic Post & Parcel Germany division).
Media Relations Address: Deutsche Post DHL Group, Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 20, 53113 Bonn, Germany or call at DHL Media Relations Phone: +49 (0)228 182 9944.
HR Contacts
Looking for DHL contacts or career opportunities with DHL? Please call at DHL HR Contact Telephone: 0800 8010333. You can also send your application by email, here is the DHL HR Contact Email Address:
Quick Contacts
DHL Headquarters Address | Deutsche Post AG, Headquarters, Platz der Deutschen Post, 53113 Bonn |
CEO Email Address | |
DHL is a leading and one of the most popular logistics companies in the world. The company headquarters base is located in a huge building at Bonn, Germany. You can refer the complete address in the coming sections. The company was formed in the year 1969, currently the average of more than 1 billion parcels delivery per year has been recorded by DHL Logistics.
The services of the company includes international express deliveries, warehousing ( packaging, repairs and storage), mails, global freight via sea, air, rail or road and many more related logistic services. You can contact DHL for customized logistics solutions as well.
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