United Parcel Service Headquarters Address
United Parcel Service Headquarters Address
The corporate headquarters address of United Parcel Service is, UPS, 55 Glenlake Parkway, NE, Atlanta, GA 30328. Please only send important queries or complaints which are not resolved by the customer support team.
HQ Phone Number
For any quick guidance, customer support, or general inquiries, please dial UPS corporate office phone number 404-828-6000.
IR Contacts
The United Parcel Service Investor Relations contact number is 404-828-6059 and select option 2.
Customer Service Number
The Customer Support number for United Parcel Service is 1-800-742-5877 (1-800-PICK-UPS®). For international shipping, please call at 1-800-782-7892. The TTY/TDD Access for Hearing Impaired number is 1-800-833-0056.
For official web portal of United Parcel Service, please visit https://www.ups.com/us/en/global.page.
Trade Management
The United Parcel Service International Import/Export contact number is 800-782-7892. For UPS Supply Chain Solutions, kindly call at 800-742-5727.
For heavyweight shipments more than 150 lbs or palletized freight:
- Less than truckload (more than 150 lbs): 800-333-7400
- Truckload (more than 12,000 lbs): 888-682-4652
- Air Freight (more than 150 lbs): 800-443-6379
- Ocean Freight: 800-350-8440
Press Contacts
The corporate office contact number is 404-828-6000. For Media Inquiries, kindly call at 404-828-7123 (EST). The UPS Airlines phone number is 502-329-3060 (EST). To contact the UPS Store, kindly call at 858-455-8800 (PST).
The contact number for Canada is 905-676-1708 (EST). For Reporter Only Contact Request, kindly call at 404-828-7123.
For sponsorship inquiries, please send your proposal to this email address UPSGlobalSponsorships@ups.com.
Regional Headquarters
UPS Americas and the Caribbean
3401 NW 67th Avenue, Bld. 805
Miami, FL 33122
CEO Email Address
Carol B. Tomé is the current Chief Executive Officer of UPS. Do you want to send a good and brief suggestion, or feedback to her? If yes, please note down the email address of UPS CEO Carol B. Tomé: ctome@ups.com.
Email Format
The following is an email format of UPS/ups.com emails:
- Email Format first last, Example johndoe@ups.com (38.3%)
- Email Format last first_initial, Example doej@ups.com (16.8%)
- Email Format first last_initial, Example johnd@ups.com (14.0%)
- Email Format last, Example doe@ups.com (14.0%)
Major Segments of the Company
UPS is serving in more than 195 countries, sub-countries and territories all over the world offering effective delivery services in these segments.
- Company’s Domestic Package segment – Assures guaranteed money back and time delivery services (ground and air) in US.
- The International Package segment – Offers assured day and time international shipping services operations in Europe, Asia-Pacific, Canada and Latin America and many other countries.
- The Supply Chain & Freight segment– Offering services like international trade, transportation, distribution, financial services etc. for mostly all countries across the globe.
Quick Contacts
United Parcel Service Headquarters Address | UPS, 55 Glenlake Parkway, NE, Atlanta, GA 30328, United States |
CEO Email Address | ctome@ups.com |
United Parcel Service (UPS) is an America’s leading logistics solutions company with headquarters based out of Atlanta, Georgia, US. The company was founded by Claude Ryan and James E. Casey on August 28, 1907 and is listed at NASDAQ with name UPS.
Here is the list of company’s major divisions and subsidiaries – Freight-based trucking operations (UPS Freight), Retail-based packing and shipping centers (The UPS Store), Cargo airline (UPS Airlines) and Drone airline (UPS Flight Forward). In this article we have compiled an info of company’s important official addresses detail including their phone number and emails.
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Can’t thank you enough for making this information available to get to the Retirement Plan people on tax day. I got all tied up on the customer service phone number before that is geared totally towards shipping. You are a Godsend.