Schneider National Headquarters Address
Schneider National Headquarters Address
Are you looking for Schneider National Headquarters Address, please note down the details: 3101 South Packerland Drive, Green Bay, WI 54313, United States.
HQ Phone Number
The company has a good presence in United States. It serves in North America, Central America and China. The headquarters of Schneider is located in Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States and it was founded in the year 1935. If you have any queries, suggestions or concerns to mention to higher authorities, you can contact on Headquarters Phone. Please take a note of Schneider Headquarters Phone: 1-920-592-2000.
Shipment Support Contacts
Do you have any queries or questions regarding load tracking or require info or document support, you may connect with the Schneider Shipment Support team at this number: 800-558-6767.
IR Contacts
Are you an existing investor in the company and require support regarding your investments? If yes, here in this section we have contact info about Schneider Investor Relations team. You may get in touch with Schneider Investor Relations Officer Steve Bindas on this phone number: 920–592–SNDR.
You may also share your concerns and queries with Steve Bindas through email. Please send your investment queries by email:
You may also share your concerns through the online form; here we have the verified link for the same. Please click here to contact Investor Relations: Investor Relations Online form.
Press Contacts
Media Professionals seeking support may get in touch with Schneider Media Relations team. Here we have the contact information of the concerned Media Authority; you may contact Kara Leiterman, Media Relations Manager over the phone: 920-370-7188. You may also connect with him through email. Please take a note of the email address:
Quick Contacts
Schneider National Headquarters Address | 3101 South Packerland Drive, Green Bay, WI 54313, United States |
HQ Phone Number | 1-920-592-2000 |
Schneider is a leading company that is involved in the provision of truckload, intermodal, and logistics services. The headquarters of Schneider is based out of Wisconsin. The company is a publicly traded company and is listed with NYSE with the ticker name SNDR under Class B category. It is also a part of Russell 1000 Index component.
Let’s take a look at the services offered by the company further in this paragraph. So the company offers these services- pool point distribution, supply chain management, port logistics, regional, long-haul, expedited, dedicated, bulk, cross-dock logistics, and intermodal and brokerage. Furthermore, in this article, we have Schneider headquarters contacts, investor relations contacts, media relations contacts, and more. So, let’s see!
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