Nokia Headquarters Address
Nokia Headquarters Address
Nokia Headquarters is based in Finland, Europe. Let’s get to the detailed contact info of Nokia Headquarters Address, please note down the complete address: Karakaari 7, 02610 Espoo, Finland. If you are planning to visit the headquarters, you can refer to the given headquarters address. Don’t forget to get an appointment well in advance.
For mailing purposes, please note down: P.O. Box 226, FI-00045 Nokia Group, Karakaari 7, 02610 Espoo, Finland. Don’t forget to save this mailing address for future correspondence.
HQ Phone Number
If you are trying to find phone numbers for Nokia Headquarters, you can use the given information, please note down the Nokia Headquarters Phone Number: +358 10 44 88 000. You can also send your concerns or requests via Fax, please note down Nokia Headquarters Fax Number: +358 10 44 81 002.
CEO Email Address
For contacting the CEO for important approval, matters, or suggestions, you can write to him at his official email address. The post of CEO of Nokia is held by Mr. Pekka Lundmark. Please take note of the Nokia CEO Email Address:
It is our suggestion to send mails only which requires top-level management intervention. For general inquiries, media or investment-related queries, contact the concerned department. Media Relations and Investor Relations contact details are included in the coming sections.
IR Contacts
You can contact the Nokia Investor Relations team by Email, note down the official email address for Nokia Investor Relations Team: You may use the given email id for posting your requests, complaints, or concerns related to the company’s shareholding services or investments. For more information on investor relations, visit this page.
Press Contacts
If you are related to Media and looking for news, updates, or other media inquiries, contact Nokia Media Relations at Email: or Phone: +358 10 448 4900 (Helsinki · Morning GMT +2 / EET).
For Industry and media analysts, send an email at: For Nokia phones media relations, send an email at: Please note that emails related to media only will be entertained on these email addresses.
Quick Contacts
Nokia Headquarters Address | Karakaari 7, 02610 Espoo, Finland |
Nokia CEO Email Address | |
Nokia is one of the world’s leading telecommunication brands. The headquarters of Nokia are established in Finland. Nokia is a publicly-traded company and is listed with the stock symbol NOK on NYSE and the stock symbol NOKIA on Helsinki Stock Exchange. The company’s operations and products can be founded in more than 120 countries in the world.
The company was listed in Fortune Global 500 magazines list on 85th position in the year 2009 based on revenue generated. The company’s major operations and services can be covered under products and services related to telecommunications, Information technology, and consumer electronics.
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