ManpowerGroup Headquarters Address (ManpowerGroup)


ManpowerGroup Headquarters Address

The company is based in Milwaukee, WI, USA. They have a good market share in staffing solutions in the US. They have offices around the world. Please note down ManpowerGroup Corporate Headquarters Address: 100 Manpower Place Milwaukee, WI 53212 United States. This corporate headquarters address can also be used as a mailing address to get the highest level of support from the company.

HQ Phone Number

Please also note down ManpowerGroup Corporate Office Phone Number 1-414-961-1000. Please dial this phone number during working hours only. Please do not call for very basic information or details.

New Opportunities Contact

Are you looking for new job opportunities/career opportunities in the company? Please dial 800-561-6934 to get in touch with the company’s HR.

Press Contacts

Are you a journalist, media person, or reporter? Then please get in touch with the media team of the company. Please note down the media inquiry phone number+1 414 544 1489 and their email address (general inquiry for PRESS):

IR Contacts

Are you an existing investor in the company? Please note down their important investor relations contact information. For any query related to investor relations, please dial +1.414.906.6807 (Executive Vice President and CFO).

Shareholders Contacts

Are you an existing or current shareholder in the company? If yes, then you have arrived at the right place. Please note down Computershare phone number +1 800-874-1547 or +1 201-680-6578 (outside the U.S.) for current shareholders to get information.

Current Associate Contact

If you are an existing associate of the company, please get in touch with the team on this phone number 866-271-5145. You can get assistance and support from Manpower Care Center.

Experis Professional Contact

If you are an existing and current Experis Professional, please get in touch with the company by dialing 877-626-6797.

CEO Email Address

Jonas Prising is leading the company as the chief executive officer of ManpowerGroup. Here is the email address of CEO Jonas Prising: Don’t forget to send your well-drafted suggestion with data to the CEO for improvement to their services.

Email Format

Please note down the email format of ManpowerGroup as follows:

  • first ‘.’ last (Example:, Usage 100%

Quick Contacts

ManpowerGroup Headquarters Address 100 Manpower Place Milwaukee, WI 53212 United States
CEO Email Address:


ManpowerGroup is a popular American staffing company headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. They have a huge market share in the staffing business in the US. It is the 3rd largest staffing company in the world. They have more than 30k employees around the world. The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange with the name MAN.

ManpowerGroup offers various staffing services including administrative & staffing services, permanent recruitment, contingent staffing, project-based solutions, and more.

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John Mathew

John Mathew loves to give information on Fortune 500 companies headquarters address and contacts. It's his hobby and passion! He has created this website to help out other people in finding important contact information of Fortune 500 companies.

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