Cardinal Health Headquarters Address
Cardinal Health Headquarters Address
Please note down Cardinal Health Headquarters Address: 7000 Cardinal Place, Dublin, OH 43017, United States. At this address, you can meet executives and other high-ranking officials of the company with a prior appointment. Please don’t visit the corporate headquarters without a prior appointment.
HQ Phone Number
Here is the switchboard number 614.757.5000 (corporate office phone number) to start your conversation with the corporate staff at the headquarters.
IR Contacts
If you are an existing investor and have some concerns, please reach out to the IR section, here is the IR phone number 614.553.4460. It is a dedicated office phone number for investor relations.
Pharmaceutical Customer Service
For queries related to pharmaceutical-related things, please dial 800.926.3161. This office phone number is a dedicated support number for raising complaints and seeking guidance and help about products. For Medical Customer Service, please dial 800.964.5227 to get in touch with the team.
HR Contact
Inquiries about jobs, account assistance and other related topics. Please note down HR Phone Number: 614.757.5000. This contact number can be used to know about current vacancies, and any other thing related to HR and career.
Important Contact Details and Numbers
- Indirect Suppliers Phone: 614.757.5000
- Media Relations Phone: 614.757.4250
- Website Support and Comments Phone: 614.757.5000
- Charitable Support (Community) Phone: 614.757.5000
- Diversity Call: 614.757.5000
- Business Conduct (Ethics) Phone: 800.926.0834
- Password Reset/Help Phone: 1.800.ECOMHLP (1.800.326.6457)
- ValueLink(r) Distribution Phone: 847.473.0400
- U.S. Government Accounts Call: 800.444.1166
- Product/Ordering and Technical Assistance Phone: 800.964.5227
- Pharmacy Distribution Call: 800.926.3161
- Product/Ordering and Technical Assistance Call: 800.326.6457
- General Customer Service Call: 800.926.3161
- SpecialtyScripts(tm) Call: 800.218.5688
Transfer Agent
If you are an investor in the company (shareholder) and looking for transfer agent details, here it is their office address: Computershare (Formerly EquiServe) , P.O. Box 43023, Providence, RI 02940-3023, United States of America.
If your query is related to transfer agent and wanted to talk with them on telephone, here it is their phone number: 1.877.498.8861 / 614.757.5035.
Pharmacy Management Contact
- Address: Cardinal Health, 1330 Enclave Parkway, Houston, TX 77077
- Phone: 877.300.9180
Remote Pharmacy Services
If your concern is related to remote pharmacy services, please find below mailing address and contact number:
- Address: Cardinal Health, Remote Pharmacy Services, 1330 Enclave Parkway, Houston, TX 77077
- Phone: 877.300.9180
Medical Products and Distribution
Becoming a distributor address
- Address: Cardinal Health, Medical Segment, Distributor Management – New Accounts, 1500 Waukegan Road
McGaw Park, IL 60085 - Email:
Becoming a Medical Products Supplier
- Address: Cardinal Health, Supply Chain Services – Medical, Attention: U.S. Distribution New Product Inquiries
7000 Cardinal Place, Dublin, OH 43017 - Phone: 614.757.5000
- Consumers Phone: 800.321.0591
Distributor Management
- Address: Cardinal Health, Distributor Management (Medical Supplies), 1500 Waukegan Road, McGaw Park, IL 60085
- Phone: 800.635.6021
EDI/XML Support
- Address: Cardinal Health, EDI Team, 7000 Cardinal Place, Dublin, OH 43017
- Phone: 800.488.3726, ext. 1
- Cardinal Health Support Center: 800.326.6457
- Customer Service ( by calling 800.964.5227
Hospital Supplies
Cardinal Health
- Address: Supply Chain Services – Medical, 7000 Cardinal Place, Dublin, OH 43017
- Phone: 800.964.5227
- Cardinal Health Support Center: 800.326.6457
- Customer Service ( by calling 800.964.5227
Quick Contacts
Cardinal Health Headquarters Address | 7000 Cardinal Place, Dublin, OH 43017, US |
CEO Email Address | |
Cardinal Health is a popular health care services brand and company headquartered in Dublin, Ohio, United States. It is listed on the New York Stock Exchange with the ticker name CAH. Cordis Corporation, WaveMark Inc., CareFusion, Red Oak Sourcing LLC, mscripts LLC, Independence Medical Inc., FDSI Logistics Inc., TelePharm LLC, and other are subsidiary companies of Cardinal Health.
To buy medical services, CardinalHealth should be one of your choices. They offer medical supply distribution, pharmacy services, and also manufacture certain products.
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