Lloyds Bank Headquarters Address
Lloyds Bank Headquarters Address
Coming to the contact details, you can share your important correspondence or concern by mail. Here is the full address of Lloyds Bank Headquarters: 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN, United Kingdom. To visit headquarters, same address can be referred; however we suggest an appointment well in advance before the visit.
HQ Phone Number
To contact on phone, you can dial: +44 (0) 20 7626 1500 to speak to headquarters officials. The provided number is the official phone number for Lloyds Bank Headquarters base at London, UK.
CEO Email Address
Looking for CEO’s contact information? We have been provided with company’s CEO Email Address. You can share your concern with CEO of the company by email addressing to Mr. António Horta-Osório who is heading the post of CEO of Lloyds Bank. Kindly note down Lloyds Bank CEO Email Address: antonio.osorio@lloydsbanking.com.
Customer Support Telephone Numbers
To get in touch with Lloyds Bank Customer Support Team for your concerns, queries or assistance regarding your account or related services, please refer the below listed contact numbers:
For assistance regarding Internet Banking, please dial: 0345 300 0116. If you are calling from abroad (For International Calls), please dial: +44 173 323 2030.
For assistance regarding Telephone Banking, please dial: 0345 300 0000. If you are calling from abroad, please dial international line: + 44 173 334 7007
For assistance regarding business accounts, please dial: 0345 072 5555. You can call on these numbers between 8am-8pm on all weekdays i.e. Monday to Friday. For Saturdays, you can call between 9am-1pm
Email Format
Here is the list of 5 acceptable email formats for Lloyds Bank, we are listing email parameters along with percentage of usage. Please refer Lloyds Bank Email Format here:
- {first}@lloydsbank.com 3.60%
- {f}{last}@lloydsbank.com 3.11%
- {last}@lloydsbank.com 0.62%
- {first}{last}@lloydsbank.com 0.43%
- first}.{last}@lloydsbank.com 92.25%
Quick Contacts
Lloyds Bank Headquarters Address | 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN, United Kingdom |
CEO Email Address: | antonio.osorio@lloydsbanking.com |
Lloyds Bank is a leading name in banking and financial industry all over the world. The headquarters of Lloyds Bank are located in London, United Kingdom. The major operations of Lloyds Bank include personal banking, commercial banking, insurance and loans. If you are planning to open your personal account or a current account for your firm, Lloyds Bank can be a choice worth the consideration.
The bank is one of the largest banks in the United Kingdom on the basis of its vast network of banking locations and number of ATM’s.
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I took a personal loan from Lloyds Bank. I am paying the monthly payment plus interest. I took the loan because I need the money!! I need the money urgently!! I want to transfer the loan amount to my Standard Saver account or my Select account. I have sent various letters and very many emails BUT TO NO AVAIL. Of course I am very anxious