Dine Brands Global Headquarters Address

Dine Brands Global

Dine Brands Global, Image Credit: Dine Brands Global


Dine Brands Global Headquarters Address

Dine Brands has a great presence in the US. The company has more than 3,600 Applebee’s and IHOP restaurants and 370 franchises in 17 countries. Do you have a query or concern about Dine Brands or IFOP or Applebee’s? You can connect with the higher management or corporate officials at Dine Brands through Dine Brands Global Headquarters. Here we have the complete address of the Dine Brands Headquarters: 450 N. Brand Blvd., 7th Floor, Glendale, CA 91203.

HQ Phone Number

Also, we have here Dine Global Headquarters Corporate Phone Number: 866-995-DINE (3463).

IR Contact

Are you an existing investor in Dine Brands and require support regarding your investments or shareholding account? If yes, this section is for you. You may connect with Dine Brands Global Investor Relations team or the Transfer Agent of the company for your shareholding-related inquiries or requests. Please note down the mailing address of Dine Brands Transfer Agent, where you can send your queries, requests, or concerns: Computershare, Inc., 462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600, Louisville, KY 40202.

Also, you can connect with the Dine Brands Transfer Agent for your inquiries or requests, please note down the Phone Number: (800) 522-6645.


Dine Brands was founded in the year 1958. The first-ever IHOP restaurant was opened in the year 1958 in LA, California. In the year 1980, the company opened its first Applebee’s restaurant in Decatur, Georgia.

Quick Contacts

Dine Brands Global Headquarters Address 450 N. Brand Blvd., 7th Floor, Glendale, CA 91203, United States
HQ Phone Number 866-995-DINE (3463)


Dine Brands is famous food and beverage company based out of the United States. The headquarters of Dine Brands is located in California. Also, you can find the complete headquarters address in the contact sections coming ahead. Dine Brands is one of the largest restaurant companies in the world. The company’s operations are based on two restaurant brand concepts, here are the names- Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar and International House of Pancakes (IHOP). Find more about these two restaurant brands in the last section of this article.

Dine Brands is a publicly-traded company and is registered with NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) with the ticker symbol DIN. Moving to important contact information about Dine Brands, here in this section we have published details about Dine Brands Headquarters Address, Phone Number, Investor Relations Contacts, and more. So, let’s take a look at the information from here!

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John Mathew

John Mathew loves to give information on Fortune 500 companies headquarters address and contacts. It's his hobby and passion! He has created this website to help out other people in finding important contact information of Fortune 500 companies.

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