Royal Ahold Delhaize USA Headquarters Address
Royal Ahold Delhaize USA Headquarters Address
The company has a huge presence with about 6500 stores located in 11 countries and with maximum store locations in Netherlands and Belgium. To contact US corporate officials or higher management, you can use the headquarters address located in the United States: 1149 Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle, PA 17013, United States.
The above-mentioned address can be used for all types of official communication and documentation.
Contact Details
In this section, you can find contact information about Royal Ahold Delhaize USA, please share your concerns at the given address: Provincialeweg 11, 1506 MA Zaandam, The Netherlands. You may also connect with the concerned authorities over the phone, please note down the phone number: +31 88 659 9111.
Press Contact
Are you from the media or the press? If yes, in this section you can find contact information about the Royal United States. Media members or professionals may connect with concerned media officer, Christy Phillips-Brown, Vice President Communications by email: or by phone: +1 704 3102221. Please do not share nonmedia inquiries or requests on the above-mentioned contacts.
IR Contact
Existing investors or financial analysts seeking answers to their concerns regarding investments or stocks may connect with the below-mentioned Royal Ahold Delhaize Investor Relations Team. Please find the details here:
- You may contact JP O’Meara, SVP Investor Relations by email: or over the phone: +31 (0)88 659 52 13.
- You may connect with Cornell Burnette, Director Investor Relations by email: or over the phone: +31 (0)88 659 52 13.
- Or, contact Sophie Ho, Investor Relations Manager by email: or over the phone: +31 (0)88 659 52 13.
Quick Contacts
Royal Ahold Delhaize USA Headquarters Address | 1149 Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle, PA 17013, United States |
Phone Number | +31 88 659 9111 |
Ahold Delhaize is a well-known name in food retail groups across the world. The International Headquarters of Ahold Delhaize is located in Zaandam, Netherlands, and the Royal Ahold Delhaize USA headquarters of the company are based out of Pennsylvania, United States. Ahold Delhaize group comprises supermarkets, hypermarkets, convenience stores, drugstores, liquor stores, and online non-food stores.
The company offers about 21 local brands and serves about 45 million consumers per week across the United States, Indonesia, and Europe. Ahold Delhaize is a listed company and is registered with European Stock Exchange (Euronext) with the stock symbol AD and a part of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange (AEX) Component. Furthermore, in this section, we have Ahold Delhaize Headquarters Address, Investor Relations Contacts, Media Relations Contacts, and more related info.
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