KFC Headquarters Address, CEO Email Address, IR Contacts, Media Relations Email Address, and More
How do I contact KFC Headquarters?
Searching for KFC Headquarters contact info? You can refer to the contact details stated here. Please take note of the details, KFC Headquarters Address is 1441 Gardiner Lane Louisville, KY 40213, United States. The address mentioned here is the complete address of the KFC headquarters base in the US and can be used for mailing purposes or for official appointments or meetings. To get in touch with the higher management at KFC Headquarters, contacting through the headquarters address is the most appropriate way.
KFC Headquarters Address
KFC Headquarters Address is 1441 Gardiner Lane Louisville, KY 40213, United States.
Corporate Office Phone Number
Please take note of KFC Headquarters Phone number for speaking to officials at Headquarters. Please dial: 1-502-456-8300. Please do not call this phone number to order your food.
KFC CEO Email Address
For contacting CEO Tony Lowings of KFC, we are mentioning his official email address here. You can get in touch with him for your valuable suggestions or approvals. Please take note of the KFC CEO’s Email Address: tony.lowings@yum.com.
For customer support, please get in touch with the customer support team instead of emailing CEO. Our suggestion: Please only get in touch with the KFC CEO in case of unhappy customer support resolution.
IR Contacts
If you have questions regarding the company’s financial performance or you have invested in the company’s shares, this section is for you. You can contact KFC Investor Relations Officer Mr. Keith Siegner (Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Strategy) on telephone: (888) 298-6986.
To contact KFC Transfer Agent for shareholding services please note down the mailing address details: Computershare Trust Company, N.A., P.O. Box 505000, Louisville, KY 40233-5000. You can also call transfer agent on these phone lines, please note down the telephone numbers:
- For (U.S. and Canada): 1-888-439-4YUM (1-888-439-4986)
- For (Outside U.S. and Canada): 781-575-3100
Press Contacts
Media people can contact KFC Media Relations for their media requests mentioning deadlines and editorial info on their official email address or phone number.
Please note down the KFC Media Relations Email Address: kfcinternationalmedia@yum.com. You can also call on KFC Media Hotline number: 972-338-6714. Please do not expect any other response on this email address.
KFC Franchise Contacts
Interested in KFC Franchise, please refer the given contact number for KFC and all other Yum Brands: (502) 874-8300. For International KFC Franchise Information, please call at: (972) 338-8100, x. 4480.
Quick Contacts
KFC Headquarters Address | 1441 Gardiner Lane Louisville, KY 40213, United States. |
CEO Email Address | tony.lowings@yum.com |
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KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken is one of the most popular fast-food restaurant chains in the world. KFC is a subsidiary company of Yum Brand and its headquarters are located in Louisville, Kentucky, United States. KFC, the name is pretty known and famous among chicken lovers, especially for its fried chicken. The company was formed in the year 1930 by an American Entrepreneur Colonel Harland Sanders.
Currently, KFC is the second largest fast food chain in the world with outlets at more than 20000 locations in 150 countries across the globe. Some of the popular serves of KFC include fried chicken, French fries, burgers, wraps, krushers, shakes, salads, and more.