IRS Headquarters Address
IRS Headquarters Address
Here are the contact details of IRS Headquarters Address: Internal Revenue Service Headquarters Building, 1111 Constitution Avenue Northwest, Washington, District of Columbia, DC. The mentioned address can be used for mailing purposes.
Headquarters Phone Number
You can also note down IRS Headquarters Phone Number: 1-202-622-5000 to connect with employees or top level management at headquarters.
Headquarters Toll-Free Number
Are you looking for IRS Headquarters Toll Free Number? Please note down the number, dial: 1-800-829-1040 for toll free line. If you have some sort of hearing disability, we have mentioned the TTY phone line as well, please note down IRS Headquarters TTY Toll Free Number:1-800-829-4059
Federal State Local Employment Tax (FSLET) Customer Services Contact
To contact Federal State Local Employment Tax (FSLET) Customer Services Team, you can dial toll-free line: (877) 829-5500 for queries related to your account or for requesting for government information letter or private letter ruling.
For Technical Services Operation (TSO) Team, please note down the contact numbers:
- Toll Free Line: 866-455-7438
- International Line: 304-263-8700
- Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD): 304-579-4827
IRS Toll-Free Help
Please refer this section if you are looking for IRS Toll-Free Helpline number, you can dial 1-800-829-1040 to speak to Customer Accounts Services team regarding Federal Tax Queries.
IRS Helpline Numbers
Here is the contact information of IRS Helpline Numbers:
- For Individuals, call at 800-829-1040 (between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time)
- For Businesses, call at 800-829-4933 (between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. local time)
- For Non-profit taxes, call at: 877-829-5500 (between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time)
- For Estate and gift taxes (Form 706/709), call at: 866-699-4083 (between 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Eastern time)
- For Excise taxes, call at: 866-699-4096 (between 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time)
- TTY/TDD Phone lines for hearing impaired 800-829-4059
If you are an Overseas caller, please visit IRS International Services page, we have pasted the link for your reference: Click International Services.
(Please note that IRS help lines are open on all weekdays (Monday to Friday). Callers from Alaska and Hawaii can call as per Pacific Time. For Puerto Rico, Phone lines are open between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. as per local time)
IRS Email Format
Here is the information about IRS two email formats, please note the details of IRS Email Formats in the following format: Parameters, Format, Usage
- first ‘.’ last, example:, 24%
- other_template,, 75%
Quick Contacts
IRS Headquarters Address | Internal Revenue Service Headquarters Building, 1111 Constitution Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC. |
Headquarters Phone Number | 1-202-622-5000 |
IRS or Internal Revenue Service is a revenue service agency that comes under jurisdiction of Federal government of the United States. IRS Headquarters are based out of Washington DC. If you need full address of IRS Headquarters, we have mentioned the full address details in the coming sections of the article. The agency is primarily involved in collection of taxes and for administration of Internal Revenue Code.
IRS is the subsidiary agency of its parent group Department of the Treasury. The agency was incorporated in the year 1862. Looking for IRS customer contact numbers? If yes, then you are on the right page, this section has all the details regarding IRS headquarters Contact Info, Customer Support Numbers and more. Let’s check out the details!
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