IKEA Headquarters Address, CEO Email Address, and HQ Phone Number
How do I contact IKEA Headquarters?
To get in touch with IKEA Global Headquarters, you can refer to the given address information. Please note down the complete address, IKEA Global Headquarters Address is, Tulpanvagen 8 Almhult, 343 34, Sweden. The given mailing address can be used for sending important documents or official correspondence. If you are planning an official visit, please seek an official appointment before your visit.
IKEA Global Headquarters Address
IKEA Global Headquarters Address is Tulpanvagen 8 Almhult, 343 34, Sweden.
Global HQ Phone Number
If you wish to contact IKEA Global Headquarters, contact IKEA Global Headquarters on phone: 46-476-810-00.
IKEA US Headquarters Address
You may also note down IKEA US Headquarters Contact Address: 420 Allen Wood Road, Conshohocken, PA 19428, USA. You may send these details for mailing purposes as well as professional visits.
US HQ Phone Number
To get in touch with Headquarters Staff at US Headquarters on main, please dial telephone: (610) 834-0180.
USA Customer Support Number
If you have purchased IKEA products and need assistance, or register your complaints at IKEA US Customer Support Phone Number: 1-888-888-4532. You can call on this number between 9 am to 10 pm (ET) on all days of the week. For support regarding kitchen sales, call between 9:00 am – 8:00 pm (ET).
You may also click on the given links to cancel or reschedule your order: Self-service order cancellation tool. Or contact IKEA customer support through the Order Cancellation Link. Your queries and request will be responded to in five to seven days.
Press Contacts
If you are looking for Media updates, contact the IKEA Press Contacts Email: press.us@ingka.com or give call at Phone: 1-866-329-4532. The listed contact details are for use only by Media Professionals. You may send your media request or queries on the above-mentioned email and phone number.
CEO Email Address
Do you have a question; how do I contact the CEO of IKEA? Torbjorn Loof is the present CEO of Inter Ikea and he can be reached at this business email address: torbjorn.loof@inter-ikea.com. Please raise your product related concerns to the customer support team directly.
Quick Contacts
IKEA Headquarters Address | Tulpanvagen 8 Almhult, 343 34, Sweden |
CEO Email Address | torbjorn.loof@inter-ikea.com |
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IKEA is one of the most popular and renowned home furnishing brands in the world. The Global Headquarters of IKEA is located in Sweden. The company offers a fabulous range of home furnishing products. If you are planning to buy furniture or other home furnishing products, IKEA is a choice worth taking into account, and consideration.
The company offers more than 9000 product ranges that can be purchased through its retail stores or even online. The products of the company are mostly ready to assemble range and can be easily installed with the instructions provided and the assistance of professionals. The company was formed in 1943 and currently has retail stores in almost every part of the globe.
Still waiting for the dressing table, the side table, the bed springs, and the stand of the bed springs – all of which I’ve already paid for. No furniture store merely brings the bed frame without the necessary equipment to make it an actual bed frame, as they know a useless bed frame only burdens the customer. Whenever I try to acquire the other accessories necessary for the bed frame, I am handed empty promises by Casablanca’s IKEA branch, and on some occasions I am even met with stubborn argument from the management. The Casablanca branch of IKEA truly does desecrate IKEA’s well-established great reputation.