Wish.com Headquarters Address
Wish.com Headquarters Address
The company headquarters is based out in SanFrancisco. To get in touch with Wish.com headquarters, you can use the given address information. Feel free to send in your important mails, suggestions or complaints at the given headquarters address. Please note down the details of Corporate Headquarters Address: One Sansome Street, 1 Sansome St 40th Floor, San Francisco, USA.
Wish is one of the largest online marketplaces in the world. You can find a wide range of products at very affordable prices on its portal. The company was started as a software company called ContextLogic. The company is listed at NASDAQ under stock name WISH. In this section you can find the contact information about Wish Headquarters address, phone numbers, email address and more.
Corporate Office Phone Number
You can also get in touch with officials at headquarters of Wish.Com at their official phone line: 888-254-9617.
General Inquiry Email Address
If you are looking for Wish.Com general inquiry contact details, you can use the given information You may post your queries or concerns at the Wish.Com General Inquiry email address, Please note down the email address: info@wish.com.
You may also try their alternate email address to get assistance regarding your concerns: support@wish.com.
CEO Email Address
As of now we do not have the details of company’s CEO. The position of company’s CEO is held by Peter Szulczewski. Please stay in touch with our webpage for the updated information.
You can get in touch with company headquarters for your concerns or leave your message for company’s CEO on their official phone line. We have also mentioned the general inquiry emails in the above mentioned section for your reference.
How do I complaint to Wish.com Corporate Office?
To make a complaint to Wish.com corporate office, please do get in touch with the corporate office by writing a letter to Wish.com Corporate Office, One Sansome Street, 1 Sansome St 40th Floor, San Francisco, USA.
The company has two subsidiary companies in the name of Wish Outlet and Wish Express. The company has an employee base of about 900 people. The company uses the help of payment service providers to manage its payments from sellers and buyers. The physical deliveries and returns are managed by sellers under the supervision of Wish Company. The company doesn’t stock the products.
Quick Contacts
Wish.com Headquarters Address | One Sansome Street, 1 Sansome St 40th Floor, San Francisco, USA |
Corporate Office Phone Number | 888-254-9617 |
Wish is a famous e-commerce portal which is engaged in easing the transactions between buyers and sellers from all over the world. The company headquarters base is located in San Francisco. The company was founded in the year 2010 by two partners- Piotr Szulczewski and Danny Zhang.
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My name is Jesusa Alba (9977) and i have been scrolling some items on your website, well to my suprised on June 30,, 2022 I got charged $95.87, on July 1, I got charged $152.59 and on July 2, 2022 i got charged $237.09. I did not agree to these funds being withdrawan and I did not agree that I wanted the said items, I was just scolling to see what items if any I wanted to purchase. I have been leaving complaints and none of your staff is willing to help me. I want a refund of all the monies Wish has taken without my account without my consent And I do not want your items and I did not agree to purchase them either. I was told that the items would be delivered on July 25th, which is enough time to cancell all the transactions. Your company owes me a total of $455.45 and I want that refund. I will sent any items Wish mails me back as I never concented to buying them, I was merely shopping and putting it in the “carts.” I will never do business with Wish, you all are nothing but thieves! Jesusa Susie Alba