Wendy’s Headquarters Address


Wendy’s Headquarters Address

Wendy’s has a good presence and name in the fast food restaurant industry. In total, it has approximately 6711 stores out of which 353 are owned by the company and rests are franchised. The majority of the stores are located in North America. Please note down the complete address of Wendy’s Corporate Headquarters: 1 Dave Thomas Blvd., Dublin, OH 43017-5452.

How do I Contact Wendy’s Headquarters?

Let’s find out ways to contact Wendy’s Headquarters! Do you have a concern, feedback, or suggestion to share with the management of Wendy’s? You may contact or get in touch with Wendy’s Management through Corporate Headquarters Address. Please note down the complete address of Wendy’s Corporate Headquarters: 1 Dave Thomas Blvd., Dublin, OH 43017-5452. You may contact management at Wendy’s Headquarters by mail or through a visit. An appointment in advance will be appreciated.

Wendy's Corporate Office

Wendy’s Corporate Office, Photo Credit: BHDP .com

HQ Phone Number

Also, you can get in touch with the Management or authorities at Wendy’s through phone call. Please note down the Corporate Office Phone Number: (888) 624-8140.

Send Your Inquiry through an Email

The company also has provided an email link for getting in touch with Officials. Here also we have pasted the same link for your ease. Please click here: Send Your Inquiry through an Email.

Customer Care Number

Looking for Wendy’s Customer Support Contacts? If yes, this section is for you . You may connect with Wendy’s Customer Support team for your concerns, inquiries  or info through email and phone. To call on phone, please dial: 1.888.624.8140 for Customer Support.

If you are planning to send your concern by email, please send it at official email of the concerned team, which is: customercare@wendys.com.

Privacy Email Address

For concerns regarding privacy, you may get in touch with Wendy’s concerned team by email. Please share your concern at this email address: privacy@wendys.com.

Quick Contacts

Wendy’s Headquarters Address 1 Dave Thomas Blvd., Dublin, OH 43017-5452
HQ Phone Number (888) 624-8140

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Wendy’s is a popular international fast food restaurant chain. The corporate headquarters of Wendy’s is based out of Ohio. Wendy’s was founded in the year 1969 and is currently counted amongst one of the largest fast food chains in the world. In competition with Burger King and McDonald’s, Wendy’s comes as the third largest hamburger food chains in the world.

Some of the famous serves at Wendy’s menu include Hamburgers, Breakfast sandwich, Chicken sandwich, French fries, Salads and Frozen dessert. In this article we have come up with Wendy’s important contact information. The details about Wendy’s Corporate Headquarters, Email Links, Customer Support Contacts, Privacy Contacts are taken from the official website of the company.


John Mathew

John Mathew loves to give information on Fortune 500 companies headquarters address and contacts. It's his hobby and passion! He has created this website to help out other people in finding important contact information of Fortune 500 companies.

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1 Response

  1. John H. Meriweather jr says:

    To whom it concern! On 8/14/23 @ 9:36pm
    My wife went to Wendy’s Restaurant. She purchased to meals one for her and one for me, medium combo
    single cheese, no american cheese, medium fries no salt, Lemonade medium combo: single cheese medium fries no salt, Lemonade.
    By when I bite into my burger a second time I began to to pull out what thought was lettuce, but it was plastic/paper in my burger.
    I called the Wendy’s where my wife purchased the food, and Anthony answer the phone saying he’s the manager. He wasn’t concerned about my issue, Anthony wasn’t professional at all. so I’m writing to You!

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