Vodafone Headquarters Address
Vodafone Headquarters Address
Vodafone Headquarters Address/contact information can be referred here please write it down: 1 Kingdom St, London W2 6BY, United Kingdom. This is the complete address detail of Vodafone headquarters and can be used for mailing purposes as well.
We have mentioned the complete address details of Vodafone global headquarters and registered office later in this article for your reference along with other important contact details. The company was founded in the year 1991 and is currently providing its telecommunication services in about 24 countries directly and 41 countries with partner network collaboration. Let’s get to the contact details!
HQ Phone Number
If you have a concern to share with officials at Vodafone Headquarters, you can also connect on phone to get a prompt revert. Here is the Vodafone Headquarters Contact Phone Number: +44 1635 33251.
Vodafone Registered Office Contacts
To establish communication with Registered Office staff or to send correspondence, you can contact Vodafone Registered Office at this address, please take a note of Vodafone Registered Office Address: Vodafone House The Connection Newbury, RG14 2FN United Kingdom.
To speak to them on phone, please dial 44-1635-33-251 for Vodafone Registered Office.
Vodafone CEO Email Address
If you are not satisfied with Vodafone services or your complaint or concern is not appropriately handled by customer service team, please write an email to CEO Nick Read. Here is Vodafone CEO Email Address: nick.read@vodafone.com.
Press Contacts
This section is for Press members of Media Professionals. To connect with Vodafone Group media relations team for media enquiries, you have to submit the media enquiry form. We have pasted the link for your convenience here. Please click on the given link and mention your concern. Vodafone Media Relations team will get back to you on the basis of details provided by you.
Please fill in our contact form to get in touch with Media Team: Contact Media Relations Form.
Vodafone Privacy Concern Email
For your concerns regarding privacy, you can write an email to Vodafone Privacy Team at: Ask.GroupPrivacy@vodafone.com.
You may also contact Vodafone Global Privacy Team at the given address detail.
Global Privacy Team – Group Legal, Vodafone Group Services Limited, Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, RG14 2FN, United Kingdom.
How do I complaint to Vodafone Corporate Office?
To make a complaint to Vodafone corporate office, please do get in touch with the corporate office by writing a letter to Vodafone Corporate Office, 1 Kingdom St, London W2 6BY, United Kingdom.
Vodafone is a leading telecommunications company with headquarters base established in London, England. The company is listed at London Stock Exchange (LSE) and NASDAQ with ticker name VOD. If you are interested in Vodafone stocks, you can follow the stock symbol VOD at the mentioned exchanges here.
Quick Contacts
Vodafone Headquarters Address | 2980 Fairview Park Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042. |
Vodafone CEO Email Address | nick.read@vodafone.com |
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