Tim Hortons Headquarters Address, HQ Phone Number, and Guest Services Contacts
How do I contact Tim Hortons Headquarters?
The restaurant has a huge presence and has about 4,846 restaurants in 14 countries. For important and high-priority matters that require the intervention of higher authorities at Tim Hortons, you can use the headquarters address. Please note down the address details of Tim Hortons Headquarters Address: 4150 Tuller Road, Suite 236, Dublin, OH 43017, United States.
Tim Hortons Headquarters Address
Please note down the complete details of Tim Hortons Headquarters Address: 4150 Tuller Road, Suite 236, Dublin, OH 43017, United States.
HQ Phone Number
You may also connect with the officials through the headquarters phone, please note down the Headquarters Phone: 1-614-791-4200.
IR Contacts
Existing investors or financial analysts seeking assistance regarding the company’s stocks or their accounts may contact the RBI Investor Relations team by email. Please note down the email address: investor@rbi.com.
You may also connect with Investor Relations by mail. Please note down the address: Restaurant Brands International Inc., Attention: Investor Relations, 130 King Street West, Suite 300, P.O. Box 339, Toronto, Ontario, Z4 M5X 1E1.
For share holder-related inquiries or requests, please connect with Tim Hortons Transfer Agent through this address: Transfer Agent, Computershare Trust Company of Canada, 100 University Avenue, 8th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1.
To speak to Transfer Agent over the phone, please call at Toll-free: 1-800-564-6253 (Canada and the United States). For International calls, direct dial: (514) 982-7555. Or, send an email: service@computershare.com.
Press Contacts
Media professionals may get in touch with Tim Hortons’ media relations team for their media inquiries and requests. You may connect with Bianca Pettinaro by email. Please note down the email address of the concerned authority: bianca.pettinaro@citizenrelations.com.
Guest Services Contacts
To get in touch with Tim Hortons Guest Services, please call at this number: 1-888-601-1616. Calls can be made on this number between 8 am to 12 am (EST).
You can visit the company’s website to know more about the restaurant chain or follow it on social media platforms. Here we have the website address, you can visit www.timhortons.com.
Quick Contacts
Tim Hortons Headquarters Address | 4150 Tuller Road, Suite 236, Dublin, OH 43017, United States |
HQ Phone Number | 1-614-791-4200 |
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Tim Hortons Inc. is one of the largest restaurant chains based out of North America. The headquarters of Tim Hortons is located in Ohio, US. Tim Hortons was founded in the year 1964 by Canadian Hockey Players Tim Horton and Jim Charade. The first Tim Hortons restaurant was opened in Canada.
You can find at Tim Hortons menu, premium coffee, hot and cold specialty drinks, specialty teas, fruit smoothies, grilled Panini, fresh baked goods, sandwiches, wraps, soups, and a lot more. Further in this article, we have Tim Hortons headquarters address, phone, media relations contacts, investor relations contacts, guest services contacts, and more.
Tim Hortons