Tenet Healthcare Headquarters Address, Corporate Office Phone Number, CEO Email Address, and Contact Information
How do I Contact Tenet Healthcare Headquarters?
You can contact Tenet Healthcare Headquarters by mail using the given address details. Tenet Healthcare Headquarters Address is 14201 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75254. The address can be used to share important and high-priority matters as well as your complaints or concerns with the officials.
Tenet Healthcare Headquarters Address
To get in touch with Tenet Healthcare Corporation Headquarters, you can use the given address details: Corporate Office, 14201 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75254. You can share your concerns, post your queries or feedback or also mail your important documents or other official papers at the given address.
Corporate Office Phone Number
To get prompt response to your queries, you can call at the Tenet Healthcare Corporation Phone Number, please note it down: 469-893-2000.
Press Contacts
Press members or media persons may send their media requests and inquiries to Tenet Healthcare Media Relations team by email, please send your emails at: MediaRelations@tenethealth.com.
You may also call Tenet Healthcare Corporation Media Relations Executives on phone, here is the number for your use: 469-893-2640.
Ethics Email and Compliance Phone
For matters regarding Ethics or Compliance, you can contact Tenet Healthcare Corporation concerned team by email, please send your email at: Ethics@tenethealth.com or call the concerned team at the official phone line: 800-838-4427.
IR Contacts
If you require guidance or some sort of assistance regarding investments, please get in touch with Tenet Healthcare Corporation Investor Relations team by email, please note down the official Email Address: InvestorRelations@tenethealth.com.
To contact Tenet Healthcare Corporation Investor Relations on phone, please note down the official phone line: 469-893-6992. Please note that only investment related queries will be answered on these contacts.
CEO Email Address
Please stay in touch with our webpage for CEO Email Address Info, currently we do not have the details about it.
Quick Contacts
Tenet Healthcare Headquarters Address | 14201 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75254 |
Corporate Office Phone Number | 469-893-2000 |
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Tenet Healthcare Corporation is a renowned healthcare services company. The headquarters of Tenet Healthcare Corporation is based out of Dallas, Texas, United States. The company was founded in the year 1969 and is currently functioning through its own brand clinics, partnerships, subsidiaries and other several joint ventures. The popular United Surgical Partners International (USPI) is also a part of its function group. Is Tenet Healthcare a listed company? Yes, Tenet Healthcare is a public company and it is registered with one of the biggest stock exchanges in world. You can find its listings at NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) with stock name: THC. It is also a part of S&P 400 Component Index.
Do you need services of Tenet Healthcare? In the sections above, we have provided all the important contact info of Tenet Healthcare including the headquarters address, phone number, Ethics and Compliance contacts, investor Relations contacts, Media Relations contacts, and more.