Taco Bell Headquarters Address, IR Email Address, CEO Email Address, and Contact Information
How do I Contact Taco Bell Headquarters?
Do you have a suggestion to share regarding the company’s services or products? If yes, you may share your suggestion with Taco Bell Headquarters Top Level Executive at the given Corporate Headquarters Address. Taco Bell Headquarters Address is 1 Glen Bell Way Irvine, CA 92618, United States. Also, if you are not satisfied with customer care’s response or revert to your complaint, you may share it with the higher authorities via this address.
Taco Bell Headquarters Address
Taco Bell Headquarters Address is 1 Glen Bell Way Irvine, CA 92618, United States.
Corporate Office Phone Number
You may also get in touch with Taco Bell Corporate Officials, you may also contact at the official Phone Number: 1-949-863-4000.
Press Contacts
Here in this section, we have provided contact information about Taco Bell Media Relations Team for the use of Press members or Media People.
For media inquiries or requests, you may contact Taco Bell Media Relations team. Please mail your media inquiries to Public Relations e-mail at: media@tacobell.com. You may also contact the concerned team on phone, please call: 949-863-3915.
IR Contacts
For investment related queries, please contact Taco Bell Investor Relations Officer Keith Siegner (Vice President, Investor Relations, M&A and Treasurer) on phone: (888) 298-6986.
To contact Transfer Agent for account modifications or other shareholder services, please send your requests or queries to the Transfer Agent at the given address: Transfer Agent, Computershare Trust Company, N.A, P.O. Box 505000, Louisville, KY 40233-5000.
You may also get in touch with Transfer Agent on phone. Please note down the official Telephone:
- For US and Canada, please call at: 1-888-439-4YUM (1-888-439-4986)
- Non US and Canada members may call Transfer Agent at: 1-781-575-3100
CEO Email Address
Mr. Mark King is currently handling the role of Taco Bell CEO. If you have a concern to share with CEO, you may contact him by sharing your matters by email. Please note down the CEO email address: mark.king@yum.com.
Quick Contacts
Taco Bell Headquarters Address | 1 Glen Bell Way Irvine, CA 92618, United States |
CEO Email Address | mark.king@yum.com |
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Taco Bell is a popular food restaurant chain. The headquarters of Taco Bell is located in California, United States. Taco Bell is a subsidiary company of the renowned Yum! Brands. Taco Bell was founded in the year 1962 and currently has about 7072 restaurants which are either owned by the company or operating as franchisees.
The popular menu of Taco Bell, which we are sure you must have tried includes tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos, and much more. In this article, we have included Taco Bell Headquarters Address, Media Relations contacts, Investor Relations Contacts, and more.
Taco Bell