Roche Headquarters Address
Roche Headquarters Address
Here is Roche’s Address in the United States, you may use the given address: Roche Holdings, Inc., Genentech, Inc., 1 DNA Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA.
Also, you can connect with the officials over the phone, please call the Genentech switchboard on this number: +1 650 225 1000. The contact details given here are suitable for all kinds of official communication. If you are planning to visit the headquarters, please consider a prior appointment through the above-mentioned phone number.
How do I Contact Roche Headquarters?
Roche is a leading biotech company headquartered in Switzerland. Continue reading here to understand how to contact Roche headquarters officials. Roche is a Europe-based healthcare company that has operations worldwide. The global headquarters of Roche is located in Basel, Switzerland. Here is the complete headquarters address: F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., CH-4070 Basel, Switzerland.
To get in touch with higher management at Roche in the United States, you may use the given address: Roche Holdings, Inc., Genentech, Inc., 1 DNA Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA. You can get in touch with the authorities by mail. If planning a visit, considering an appointment in advance would be a wiser choice.
Roche General Inquiry Contacts
For general inquiries or to contact the team of Roche, you may use the given phone lines. To call Roche Headquarters in Switzerland, you may call the Roche switchboard, at this number: +41 61 688 11 11.
To call Roche Office in North America, you may call the Genentech switchboard, at this number: +1 650 225 1000.
You may also get in touch with the officials through the online contact form. The form link is available on the official website of Roche. For your convenience, we have pasted the link here as well. Please click here: contact form
or paste this in your browser:
Roche’s Media Relations Contacts
Do you require Roche’s Media Relations contact information? For media inquiries and requests, you may contact media staff through the contact information mentioned here.
You may use the given address to share your inquiries: Roche global media team. F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Roche Group Media Relations, CH-4070 Basel, Switzerland. Or call the phone number +41 61 688 88 88 from Monday to Friday. For urgent media inquiries or deadlines, please call this after-office hours phone: +41 61 688 15 15.
To get in touch with Media Relations United States, you may contact Media Relations at Genentech through this number: +1 650 467 68 00 Or send an email to this email address:
Please note that only questions from members of the media are handled by the Roche Media Relations officials.
Roche’s Investor Relations Contacts
Let’s understand here how to get in touch with Roche’s Investor Relations in the United States. You may contact the dedicated Roche Investor Relations Group North America at this address: Roche Holdings, Inc., Genentech, Inc., Investor Relations North America, 1 DNA Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA.
Also, you can share your matters or queries (investment related) with the team over the phone, please call this number: +1 650 225 5566. To send your concerns, you can also use Fax, please send your message via fax at this number: +1 650 225 8326.
Contacting Investor Relations by email is also one of the convenient modes available, to send an email to the IR team, please use this email address:
Or contact Loren Kalm, Investor Relations Officer over the phone: +1 650-225-3217.
Roche’s Collaboration or Partnering Contacts
Looking for Collaboration with Roche? The company will love to hear from you. If you have a chance for partnership, an intriguing technology, or a possible breakthrough in one of the company’s areas of interest, please contact Roche’s Pharma Partnering team through an online form. For your ease, we have pasted the link here as well. Please click here: Contact form
Or paste this link into your browser:
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Roche is a multinational healthcare company based out of Switzerland. The company’s global operations are majorly divided into these two divisions- Pharmaceuticals and Diagnostics. The headquarters of Roche is located in Basel, Switzerland.
Genentech is a US-based biotechnology company and a wholly-owned independent subsidiary of Roche and is located in California. Roche is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world on the basis of revenue. The company is a significant provider of cancer treatments.