PetSmart Headquarters Address, Customer Care Number, and Email Format
How do I contact PetSmart Headquarters?
The company has a good presence in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Are you searching for PetSmart Corporate Headquarters? The headquarters of PetSmart is located in Phoenix. Also, we have mentioned the complete mailing address here. PetSmart Corporate Headquarters Address is PetSmart LLC, 19601 N. 27th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85027. If you have a suggestion or opinion to share with corporate officials of PetSmart, the same can be shared at the above-mentioned address of Corporate Headquarters. If you have a concern or matter to discuss with higher authorities or founders of PetSmart, you can share that too at the same address.
PetSmart Headquarters Address
PetSmart Corporate Headquarters Address is PetSmart LLC, 19601 N. 27th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85027.
Customer Care Support
Are you looking for assistance from PetSmart Customer Care regarding any of the products or services? provided by the company? If yes, this section is for your reference. You may get in touch with PetSmart Customer Support through email or phone. Please note down the email address of Customer Care Support:
If you have an inquiry regarding shipping or delivery or have concerns regarding returns, refunds or PetSmart account, you can connect with the Customer Support team on phone as well. You may call the concerned team at this number: 1-888-839-9638.
Email Format | Emails
In this section, we have listed the popular email formats used by the company. In the table given below, you can find the email format, example and percentage usage.
PetSmart’s | Email Format | Percentage |
first last | | 27.8% |
first last_initial | | 24.6% |
last first_initial | | 24.1% |
first | | 7.5% |
last | | 7.5% |
first_initial last | | 7.5% |
first ‘.’ last | | 1.1% |
Quick Contacts
PetSmart Headquarters Address | PetSmart LLC, 19601 N. 27th Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85027, United States |
Customer Care Number | 1-888-839-9638 |
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PetSmart is a popular American chain of pet superstores. The headquarters of PetSmart is located in Arizona. The company majorly deals in pet products, services, and even small pets. The company also offers services like pet grooming, a daycare facility for pets, Veterinary Care services, dog training, and Pet day boarding services. If you are planning to adopt a dog or a cat, you can also get in touch with PetSmart for adoption.
PetSmart was founded in the year 1986. Currently, it has more than 1650 stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Do you require any of the products or services offered by the company or require assistance regarding your purchases?
This is the first time that I have experienced this at your store grooming salon. We bring both our dogs their all the time.We brought our dog Sasha (Golden Retriever) in on 7/3/22 for the Bath and Brush which includes bath blow-dry 15 min brushing, nail trim , anal cleaning, scissoring Feet and Shaving pads.
I can tell you for a fact that her nails were not trimmed, her feet were not scissored and her pads were never done. Even though your groomer wrote in the phamplet that she had done these things. Makes me wonder if she did any of the other things that I wouldn’t know by looking at her. Im very upset , because I even wrote to this particular store about this situation the same day . Yet here it is 7/10/22 and no response back no phone call no email, nothing. I don’t understand why this couldn’t be made right. I had even put my phone number in that email. Not a good way to handle business or to get repeat customers. The groomer name was Nicole.