Panasonic Headquarters Address
Panasonic Headquarters Address
The company was formed in 1918 in Japan. The company headquarters complete address information is mentioned here. Please take a note of Panasonic Headquarters Address: 1006, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8501, Japan. You can contact Headquarters officials by mail or visit at the given address. We suggest seeking official appointment for visits.
HQ Phone Number
You can also call at Panasonic Headquarters Phone, please note down the official Panasonic Headquarters Telephone: +81-6-6908-1121.
US Headquarters Address
Here you can refer Panasonic Headquarters contact info located in US. Please note down the address of Panasonic US Headquarters: 2 Riverfront Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102. The given address details can be used for mailing purposes and for official visits.
US HQ Phone Number
Here is the Panasonic US Headquarters main phone line: (201) 348-7000.
CEO Email Address (North America including USA)
The post of CEO of Panasonic for USA is held by Tom Gebhardt. You can connect with him by email. Here is the Panasonic CEO (North America including USA) Email Address: It is suggested to post only important matters or those which need CEO’s approval or consent.
For general queries regarding Panasonic product range or complaints, you can refer the customer support contact numbers mentioned in the coming section. So let’s see!
US Helpline Number and Customer Service Email
If you have any complaint regarding Panasonic products and services or need assistance, you can write an email at Panasonic US Customer Service Email: Or call at the below listed Panasonic US Helpline Numbers:
Please contact Panasonic US Customer Service at: (800) 211-7262. You can also approach Panasonic US Customer service team on toll free number, please note it down: (800) 103-1333.
Quick Contacts
Panasonic Headquarters Address | 1006, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8501, Japan |
CEO Email Address (North America & USA) | |
Panasonic is a leading electronics company based out in Japan. In Japan, the company headquarters are located in Kadoma, Osaka, Japan. Are you looking for Panasonic Headquarters contact information? If yes, we got you covered as in this section we have provided Panasonic Headquarters Addresses located in Japan and USA, CEO Email Address, Customer Support numbers and more.
Panasonic is a leading electronics brand; some of the products of the company includes home appliances product range like blenders and mixers, laptops, digital camera, television, rechargeable battery and a lot more. You can purchase Panasonic products range directly from its retail stores location worldwide or even online. The company was formed in the year 1918 and is one of the most popular electronics brands in the world.
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