Nordstrom Headquarters Address, CEO Email Address, HQ Phone Number, and Contact Information
How do I Contact Nordstrom Headquarters?
You can refer to and use the Nordstrom Headquarters contact information below as per usage. If you have a suggestion or a question that requires the attention of the higher management, you may share it with them through Headquarters Address. Kindly note down the full address of Nordstrom Headquarters located in Seattle. Nordstrom Headquarters Address is Nordstrom Corporate Communications, 1700 7th Ave., Ste. 1500, Seattle WA 98101.
Nordstrom Headquarters Address
Nordstrom Headquarters Address is Nordstrom Corporate Communications, 1700 7th Ave., Ste. 1500, Seattle WA 98101.
Corporate Office Phone Number
Please feel free to share your suggestions, feedback, important official communication on the given address, your messages will be responded at the earliest as per the nature of your concern.
Press Contacts
For Media and PR queries or requests, Nordstrom Media Team can be contacted by email or phone. Please note down the official Email Address of Nordstrom PR/Media Relations:
You can also get in touch with Nordstrom Media Relations by phone, please note down their Phone Number: 1-877-746-6228 (Calls on this number can be made between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. as per Pacific Time).
Please note that the media contacts mentioned above are for use of Media Professional only and only related messages or calls will be entertained. For general info and assistance please call Customer Support team, contact info is given incoming paragraph.
Customer Service Email Address and Phone
For your concerns and questions, you may contact Nordstrom Customer Service team. Please call Nordstrom Customer Service at their official phone line: 1-888-282-6060. You can also share your query or concern by email, please send it to their official email:
Other Important Enquiry Numbers
In this section we have provided important enquiry contact numbers, please refer here:
For enquiries you can call on these numbers: please dial 1.888.282.6060 (For US). For calls based of Canada, please dial: 1.877.794.5304.
For queries regarding Beauty Stylists, get best advice from professionals on this number: 1.800.723.2889. For queries regarding coveted collections, top brands you can call Designer Specialist at: 1.877.543.7463.
For assistance regarding Nordy Club or Nordstrom credit and debit cards, please call at: 1.800.964.1800. For assistance regarding international order or related queries please call: 1.319.846.4140.
You may also send your queries at the Corporate Office Address- Nordstrom Inquiries, Address: 1600 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2600, Seattle, WA 98101.
IR Contacts
For more information on the investor relations, visit this IR page.
CEO Email Address
Please stay connected with our webpage for updates. Currently, we do not have the information about Nordstrom CEO Email Address. We will furbish the info at the earliest of availability and accuracy.
Quick Contacts
Nordstrom Headquarters Address | Nordstrom Corporate Communications, 1700 7th Ave., Ste. 1500, Seattle WA 98101 |
Customer Service Email Address | |
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Nordstrom, Inc. is a popular luxury department store chain. It has its headquarters established in Seattle, Washington. Nordstrom was founded in the year 1901 by John W. Nordstrom and Carl F. Wallin. You can find Nordstrom stocks listed at NYSE with the ticker name JWN. Currently, Nordstrom has about 100 stores in several state locations in the United States and 3 in Canada.
You may approach Nordstrom department stores for clothing, handbags, footwear range, jewelry, beauty products, accessories, home furnishing, perfumes, etc. We have provided the Customer Service Contacts in this section, you can contact them to know the nearest store location to you.
Nordstrom, Inc.