NATO Headquarters Address
NATO Headquarters Address
The headquarter of NATO is located in Brussels, Belgium. You can visit NATO HQ with a valid unescorted pass/visitor badge. Please note down NATO Headquarters Address: NATO HQ, Boulevard Leopold III, 1110 Bruxelles, Belgium. You can use this HQ address to send your suggestion and feedback about their work style, decisions taken, and other things.
HQ Phone Number
NATO staff is available also on telephone. Do you have opinion or thought to share with them on recent development? If yes, then please dial +32 2 707 41 11.
Press Contact
The Office of the Press in the NATO HQ is a good source of information for all journalists and reporters. If you are a member of the media house, please get in touch with the NATO HQ Press Office on this email address
Alternatively, you can call +32 2 707 5041 to talk with the Media Operations Centre (MOC). They only answer queries from the media house.
Quick Contacts
NATO Headquarters Address | NATO HQ, Boulevard Leopold III, 1110 Bruxelles, Belgium |
HQ Phone Number | +32 2 707 41 11 |
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization or commonly known as NATO is a highly important international organization of different countries. The association is headquartered in Haren, Brussels, Belgium. As of now, NATO has 30 member countries: Belgium, United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Portugal, France, Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, Italy, Luxembourg, North Macedonia (2020), Greece and Turkey (1952), Montenegro (2017), Germany (1955), Albania and Croatia (2009), Spain (1982), Slovakia and Slovenia (2004), the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary and Poland (1999), Lithuania, Bulgaria, Latvia, and Estonia.
NATO plays an important role in the global politics.
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