John Hancock Headquarters Address, HQ Phone Number, and Corporate Office Phone Number


How do I contact John Hancock Headquarters?

The company is under fine execution of Marianne Harrison who is serving as John Hancock’s President and Chief Executive Officer. Do you have a query for him or other corporate employees? If yes, you can send your queries or official correspondence to John Hancock headquarters. Please take note of the details, John Hancock Life Corporate Address is John Hancock, 601 Congress St., Boston, MA 02210, US.

John Hancock Headquarters Address

John Hancock Life Corporate Address is John Hancock, 601 Congress St., Boston, MA 02210, US.

John Hancock Life Insurance Headquarters

John Hancock Life Insurance Headquarters, Image Credit: LANE TURNER/GLOBE STAFF/FILE 2015

HQ Phone Number

To get in touch with the officials at corporate Headquarters on Phone, please call at: (617) 572-6000.


For queries or concerns regarding Annuities, please get in touch with John Hancock support team through phone. Please take note of the phone number: 1-800-344-1029.

You can call at given number from Monday to Friday between 8AM to 6PM (ET). You can also share your inquiries or request by fax, please note down the fax number: 1-617-663-3160.

Group annuity contracts

For questions and information regarding Group annuity contracts, please get in touch with the concerned team by phone. Here is the phone number of Support team of Group Annuity Contracts: 1-800-624-5155. TO send your concern by fax, please use this fax number: 617-572-0355.

Calls can be made on this number from Monday – Friday, between 8AM to 5PM (ET).

Structured settlements

Are you looking for contact info of support team for Structured Settlements? If yes, this info is for you. You may contact the concerned team by phone: 1-866-275-5477. You can call at the given phone line on all weekdays i.e. from Monday to Friday between 8AM to 5PM (ET).

You may also share your concern with the dedicated team through Fax, please note down the Fax Number: 617-572-0355.

Quick Contacts

John Hancock Headquarters Address John Hancock, 601 Congress St., Boston, MA 02210, US
HQ Phone Number (617) 572-6000

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John Hancock Life Insurance Company is a well established Insurance and Financial Services Company. The headquarters of John Hancock is located in Boston, United States. John Hancock was founded in 1862, presently the company is wholly owned by Manulife Financial (Canada-based Insurance company).

If you are to buy any Life Insurance plan, retirement plan, long-term insurance, mutual fund or college savings plan, you may contact company’s representative. In this article, we have provided all the important contact info of John Hancock Life including John Hancock Corporate Headquarters Address, Annuities contacts, Structured Settlement contact info and more.

John Hancock Life Insurance Company

John Mathew

John Mathew loves to give information on Fortune 500 companies headquarters address and contacts. It's his hobby and passion! He has created this website to help out other people in finding important contact information of Fortune 500 companies.

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