H&R Block Headquarters Address
H&R Block Headquarters Address
The company has a good presence in United States, Canada and Australia with about 12000 retail tax office locations. How to contact H&R Block Corporate Headquarters? You can contact the officials at H&R Block headquarters at this address: H&R Block Corporate Headquarters, One H&R Block Way, Kansas City, MO 64105. The given address can be used for all kinds of important official communication with the higher management at H&R Block.
HQ Phone Number
For info and inquiries, you can also call at General Inquiry Phone, please note down the phone number: 1-800-HRBLOCK.
IR Contact
To get in touch with H&R Block investor relations team for inquiries or requests regarding your investments, you can use the given contact link. To contact Investor Relations, click here: Contact Investor Relations.
Or, paste this link: https://investors.hrblock.com/shareholder-services/contact-ir
Press Contact
If you are from press or any other media group and looking for media content, this section is for you. You may get in touch with H&R Block Media Relations at this address, please note it down: H&R Block Media Relations, One H&R Block Way, Kansas City, MO 64105. The given address can be used for all kinds of media related communication.
You may also get in touch with H&R Block Media Relations through email. Please send your media inquiries at this email address: mediadesk@hrblock.com.
Customer Support Number
Looking for support regarding Tax filing or other services? If yes, you may get in touch with H&R Block Customer Support team on this number: 1-800-HRBLOCK (1-800-472-5625).
If you wish to share your feedback regarding H&R Block policy of accessibility, please call at toll-free TTY number: 855-508-0833.
Email Format
Here in this section, we have provided the Email Formats used by H&R Block. Please refer here:
- first_initial last, example: pdoe@hrblock.com, 29.2%
- first ‘.’ last, example: pamela.doe@hrblock.com, 25.0%
- first last, example: pameladoe@hrblock.com, 18.8%
- last first_initial, example: doep@hrblock.com, 6.9%
- first, example: pamela@hrblock.com, 6.9%
- last, example: doe@hrblock.com, 6.9%
- first last_initial, example: janed@hrblock.com, 6.2%
Quick Contacts
H&R Block Headquarters Address | One H&R Block Way, Kansas City, MO 64105, United States |
HQ Phone Number | 1-800-HRBLOCK |
H&R Block is a US based well established tax preparation company with headquarters location in Kansas City, Missouri. If you require full address details, we have provided that in our coming info section. H&R Block was founded in the year 1955 and is currently under fine leadership and management of Mr. Jeffrey J. Jones II who is serving as company’s President and CEO.
If you are interested in H&R Block stocks, you can find its listings at New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under ticker name HRB.
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