Gucci Headquarters Address (Global and US)
Gucci Global Headquarters Address
Gucci’s global headquarters are in Italy. The contact information can be referred to here. You may use the following address of Gucci Global Headquarters. Please note down the complete address: Via Don Lorenzo Perosi, 6 Scandicci, 50018, Italy. You may use the address for mail or visit with approval.
Global HQ Phone Number
To connect with Gucci Global Headquarters staff on phone, please write down the official phone line of Gucci Global Headquarters: 39-0557-592-3333. A standard calling rate applies when you dial from your mobile phone/telephone.
USA Headquarters Address
In this section, we are coming up with Gucci USA Registered Office Headquarters contact details and Mailing Addresses. Please note down Gucci USA Headquarters Registered office: 50 Hartz Way, Secaucus, New Jersey 07094, USA. Don’t forget to save this US headquarters address to send your concerns.
US HQ Phone Number
Also, take note of Gucci USA Headquarters Postal address: 195 Broadway, New York, New York 10007, USA. For assistance regarding your online purchases, you can send your concern by email. Here is the Email address: To speak to Headquarters Official in USA, you can call on the company official line. Please note down the details of Gucci USA Headquarters Telephone number: 1-877-482-2430.
CEO Email Address
Do you have a question; Who is currently the CEO of Gucci? Marco Bizzarri is leading the company as the CEO of Gucci since January 2015.
If you have a query or issue that needs top-level management’s attention, you can also connect with the CEO of Gucci. Currently, Mr. Marco Bizzarro is heading the position of CEO of the company. Please send your message or request by email to Gucci CEO Email Address:
Press Contacts
Looking for media content, news, interviews, or related services? Please get in touch with the Gucci Media Relations team on the given contact details. You may send your request at this address, please note it down: KERING – Press Office 40, rue de Sèvres – Paris 7e.
To get prompt responses you can also get in touch with Gucci Media Relations officers on the Phone, here is the Gucci Press Contacts / Media Relations Phone Number: +33 (0)1 45 64 61 57. You may also mail your media request to:
Quick Contacts
Gucci Global Headquarters Address | Via Don Lorenzo Perosi, 6 Scandicci, 50018, Italy |
CEO Email Address | |
Gucci is world’s one of the most popular and leading luxury fashion brands. The company was founded in 1921, and its headquarters are in Florence, Tuscany, Italy. Gucci’s popular fashion products range includes, apparel, shoes, cosmetics, perfumes, accessories, home décor, and more.
The company belongs to its parent group company Kering and is headed by CEO Marco Bizzarro. The brand has about 487 retail stores in different locations. The brand is one of the most trendy fashion brands in the world and absolutely needs no introduction.
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