Generali Group Headquarters Address


Generali Group Headquarters Address

The Headquarters of Generali Group are located in Italy. To contact top level management at Generali Group Headquarters, you can send your suggestions, concerns or important correspondence at Generali Group Headquarters Address: Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 2 Trieste, 34132, Italy. You can use the given address for mailing purposes as well as for appointments.

HQ Phone Number

You can also get in touch with officers at Generali Group Headquarters on the main line, please note down the phone number: 39-40-671-111.

CEO Email Address

The Generali Group is under execution of CEO Mr Philippe Donnet. If you have a suggestion or concern to share, you can contact him by writing an email to him. Please feel free to share your concern on email addressing to Generali Group CEO at this Email Address:

Please share only matters that are very important or urgent in nature and avoid general enquiries, for that you can get in touch with customer care staff through company’s website.

IR Contacts

Are you an investor in the company? Existing Investors or shareholders may get in touch with Generali Group Investor Relations team by email. You can share your concerns by writing an email at Generali Group Investor Relations Email Address:

You can also call Generali Group Investor Relations Team on Phone Number: +39 040 671402 to seek assistance regarding your investment account or for related modifications or for stock ownership or dividend related matters.

Email Format

The company uses three email formats. We have listed the three email formats in the given form – Parameters (Format) Usage. Please refer Generali Group Email Format here:

  • first ‘.’ last_initial (example: 1%
  • first ‘.’ last (example: 79%
  • other_template (example: 19%

Quick Contacts

Generali Group Headquarters Address Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 2 Trieste, 34132, Italy.
CEO Email Address


Generali Group is an Italy based insurance and financial services company. The headquarters of Generali Group are established in Trieste, Italy. The company was incorporated in the year 1831 and is currently one of the largest insurance companies in the world. The company also bagged 57th position in Fortune Global 500 list and also is acknowledged on 43rd position on MITs worldwide list of Smartest Companies in the world.

The company’s major operations include banking, Insurance and investment management. The company also is a parent group company of Alleanza Toro, Genertel, Ina Assitalia and Europ Assistance Group. To buy insurance or related financial services, you can contact representative of Generali Group.

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John Mathew

John Mathew loves to give information on Fortune 500 companies headquarters address and contacts. It's his hobby and passion! He has created this website to help out other people in finding important contact information of Fortune 500 companies.

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