General Mills Headquarters Address, Phone Number, and Mailing Address
How do I Contact General Mills Headquarters?
If you are planning to contact the General Mills Headquarters, you can use the headquarters address to contact the authorities or the officials by mail. General Mills Corporate Headquarters Address is 1 General Mills Headquarters, General Mills Blvd, Golden Valley, MN 55426, United States. The address can also be used for important documentation with the office as well as for official meets with prior appointments with the concerned authority.
General Mills Headquarters Address
General Mills has a huge presence worldwide. Are you looking for the company’s top-level management’s contact info to share certain important issues or suggestions? If yes, you may use the information provided in this section.
To get in touch with top-level management at General Mills, please share your concern through General Mills Corporate Headquarters Address, please note down the details: 1 General Mills Headquarters, General Mills Blvd, Golden Valley, MN 55426, United States.
Mailing Address
To share your matters or correspondence with the corporate employees by mail, please use the official mailing address of the company. Please take note of General Mills Mailing Address: General Mills, Inc., P.O. Box 9452, Minneapolis, MN 55440.
Feedback, Questions (For Consumers)
Do you have feedback or inquiry regarding any of the brands manufactured by General Mills? If yes, please get in touch with the respected team at General Mills through the official phone line, please note it down: 1-800-248-7310. You can call at the given phone line on all weekdays, i.e. Monday to Sunday between 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (CT).
Send Your Email Inquiry
You may also get in touch with the support team at General Mills through email. Here in this section, we have pasted the official email link provided by the company for the use of consumers. Please click here: Send Your Email Inquiry.
IR Contacts
Are you an existing investor in General Mills Common Stocks and require assistance? Please get in touch with the General Mills Investor Relations team through the contact information mentioned below:
- You may contact Jeff Siemon, Vice President, General Mills Investor Relations at phone: 763-764-2301.
- For General Shareholder Information, you can also connect with Investor Relations Department on these numbers: 1-800-245-5703 or 763-764-3202
- You may also connect with Investor Relations Team for queries regarding your stock, please note down the address: Equiniti Trust Company, 1110 Centre Point Curve, Mendota Heights, MN 55120-4100. Or give a call at these numbers: 1-800-670-4763 or 651-450-4084.
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Quick Contacts
General Mills Headquarters Address | 1 General Mills Headquarters, General Mills Blvd, Golden Valley, MN 55426, United States |
Phone Number | 1-800-248-7310 |
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General Mills is well established American multinational food processing company. The headquarters of General Mills is based in Golden Valley, Minnesota, United States. General Mills is primarily engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of branded consumer food products. The food brands offered are then sold through retail stores.
General Mills was founded in the year 1866 and is a publicly traded company registered with New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) with the stock name GIS. In this article, you can find important contact information like General Mills Corporate Headquarters Address, Mailing Address, Support Contacts, Investor Relations Contacts, email, and more.