DXC Technology Headquarters Address
DXC Technology Headquarters Address
DXC Technology is a large B2B IT services company, headquartered in Tysons, VA. If you are looking for their exact, accurate and full corporate headquarters location, please note down their headquarters address: 1775 Tysons Blvd, Tysons, VA 22102, United States.
They have also other important centre/location. Please note down their Palo Alto office location address: 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304, United States of America.
Press Contacts
If you are from popular media house, newspaper, online magazine, journalist, or anyone connected with Media and looking for media contacts, please note down these contacts.:
- Jim Pasinski | +1.716.307.5454 | james.pasinski@dxc.com
- Frank Hurteau | +1.703.582.4665 | fhurteau@dxc.com
Please note that, only inquiries with media related information will be answered. For non-media inquiries, please use this phone number: (703) 245-9675.
IR Contacts
If you are an investor and looking for contacts in the company to solve your query, please note down IR phone number: +1 (703) 245-9700.
You can also submit your IR related queries through an email, please note Investor Relations email addresses: investor.relations@dxc.com/Shailesh.murali@dxc.com.
Stock Transfer Agent Contact
To connect with transfer agent for the company, please use this phone number 1-800-468-9716. You can talk with your issue or problem. If you are a foreign shareholder, please dial 651-450-4064 to get answered your query/problem.
Supplier Diversity & Responsible Supply Chain
If you are looking for “Supplier Diversity 101” contact information, please note down email address: nancy.minchillo@dxc.com
Sales Contact
If you are interested in DXC Technology and looking for sales contact, please get in touch with them by calling 1-855-776-5081 DXC Sales. Please note that, it is only for sales inquiries.
Medicaid Providers EOB Information
If you have any question related to Medicaid, please note down their contact information below. Also note that, DXC provides Medicaid Provider services to important states. DXC Technology works with several centres across the US, some of their details are given below:
- Alabama XIX, Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-688-7989
- Alabama XIX, Electronic Media Claims Help Desk: 1-800-456-1242
- Arkansas XIX, Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-457-4454
- Connecticut XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-842-8440
- Colorado XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-844-235-2387
- Delaware XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-999-3371
- Florida XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-289-7799, option 7
- Georgia XIX Provider Assistance: 1-800-766-4456
- Georgia XIX EDI Services: 1-877-261-8785
- Indiana Provider Assistance: 1-800-457-4584.
- Kansas XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-933-6593
- Kentucky Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): 1-800-805-4696
- Kentucky XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-807-1232
- Nevada XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-877-638-3472
- Nevada XIX Authorization Department: 1-800-525-2395
- Oklahoma XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-522-0114
- Pennsylvania Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-537-8862
- Rhode Island XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-964-6211
- Texas MEHIS Provider portal Help Desk (DXC): 1-855-827-3747
- Texas MEHIS Texas MMIS vendor Provider Contact: 1-800-925-9126
- Vermont XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-925-1706
- Wisconsin XIX Provider Assistance Center: 1-800-947-9627.
California XIX Telephone Service Center:
1-800-541-5555 (in state providers)
1-916-636-1200 (border providers and out of state billers billing for in-state providers)
1-916-636-1960 (out of state providers).
Quick Contacts
DXC Technology Headquarters Address | 1775 Tysons Blvd, Tysons, VA 22102, United States |
Phone Number | 1-855-776-5081 |
DXC Technology is an American B2B IT services company headquartered in Tysons, Virginia, United States. The company offers various services, such as cloud and platform services, application services, Internet of Things (IoT), Analytics, and more. To buy their services online, please find their contact information here in this article. They have various subsidiary companies, including Virtual Clarity Limited, Luxoft, UXC, Xchanging, Fixnetix Ltd., CSC Australia Pty. Ltd., eBECS Limited, and more.
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