Consumers Credit Union Payoff Address
Consumers Credit Union Payoff Address
Consumers Credit Union Payoff Address is, Consumers Credit Union, 1075 Tri-State Parkway, #850, Gurnee, IL 60031.
Where do I send my payoff amount?
Mail Payments to Consumers Credit Union
Mail Credit Card payments to:
PO Box 37603
Philadelphia, PA 19101-0603
Please include your credit card number on the check.
Mail all other payments and payoffs to:
Consumers Credit Union
1075 Tri-State Parkway, #850
Gurnee, IL 60031
Please include your loan account number on the check.
Mortgage and Home Equity Payoffs
You may request payoff information by calling the automated payoff line 877-77PAYOFF (1.877.772.9633).
Automatic Transfer
In order to set up an automatic electronic payment from another financial institution, you will need CCU’s routing number along with your account number for the specific loan.
The Routing Number of Consumers Cooperative Credit Union is 271989950.
How to find your loan account number:
On a Mobile Device:
Log in to Online Banking via a Mobile device
Select Accounts
Select the applicable Loan
The full account number is listed in the Account Details section
On Desktop:
Log in to Online Banking from a desktop
Locate the Loan in the Loans section
Hover over the ID number
The number displayed is the full account number for the loan
Source: Consumers Credit Union