Charter Communications Headquarters Address, Press Contact, and Investor Relations Contacts


How do I Contact Charter Communications Headquarters?

For complaints, concerns, and valuable feedback, Charter Communications offers its headquarters address. Charter Communications Headquarters Address is Charter Communications 400 Atlantic St. Stamford, CT 06901. Get in touch with top management of Charter Communications through headquarters for a suitable resort to your complaints that are not handled appropriately by Customer Support and other official communications as well.


Charter Communications

Charter Communications, Image Credit: Charter Communications

Charter Communications Headquarters Address

The corporate headquarters address of Charter Communications is, Charter Communications 400 Atlantic St. Stamford, CT 06901. Please share your important queries to the corporate headquarters through mail.

HQ Phone Number

To get in touch with the officials at Headquarters of Charter Communications on Phone, please call at: (203) 905-7801.

Investor Relations Contacts

If you want to contact Charter Communications investor relations, kindly call on 888.438.2427 for customer inquiries and call on 203.905.7800 for general inquiries.

The office address of Charter Communications investor relations is 400 Atlantic Street, 10th Floor, Stamford, CT 06901 and email address is (Stefan Anninger).

Transfer Agent Contacts

The Computershare or transfer agent of Charter Communications phone number is 866.245.6077.

The mailing addresses of transfer agent is Computershare, P.O. Box 505000, Louisville, KY 40233. The Overnight correspondence address is Computershare, 462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600, Louisville, KY 40202.

Press Contacts

The charter communication media contact are available in this section.

Corporate Communications Team

Justin Venech:
Group Vice President, External Communications

Maureen Huff:
Vice President, Corporate Communications

Stacey Mitch:
Senior Director, News and Sports Communications
Spectrum Networks and Spectrum Reach


Rich Ruggiero:
Vice President, Field Communications

Carolinas Region
Scott Pryzwansky:
Senior Director of Communications
North Carolina (except Asheville), South Carolina (except Greenville/Spartanburg), Virginia

Central Region
Kim Haas:
Senior Director of Communications
Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Wisconsin

Florida Region
Lorelie Johnson:
Senior Director of Communications
Florida (except Destin area)

Great Lakes Region
Bill Morand:
Senior Director of Communications
Indiana (except Evansville), Michigan, Northern Ohio, Northwest Pennsylvania

New York City Region
John Bonomo:
Senior Director of Communications

Northeast Region
Lara Pritchard:
Senior Director of Communications
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York (except New York City), Pennsylvania, Vermont

Northwest Region
Bret Picciolo:
Senior Director of Communications
Central California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming

South Region
Patti Michel:
Senior Director of Communications
Alabama, Florida (Destin area, only), Georgia, Southeast Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina (Asheville, only), South Carolina (Greenville/Spartanburg, only), Tennessee

Southern Ohio Region
Mike Pedelty:
Senior Director of Communications
Indiana (Evansville, only), Kentucky (all except southeast), Ohio (Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton), West Virginia

Texas Region
Brian Anderson:
Senior Director of Communications

West Region
Dennis Johnson:
Senior Director of Communications
Arizona, Southern California, Hawaii

Please do share your thoughts, views, and opinions with us through comments.

Quick Contacts

Charter Communications Headquarters Address Charter Communications 400 Atlantic St. Stamford, CT 06901
HQ Phone Number (203) 905-7801

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Charter Communications is America’s pacing entertainment, internet and communication company with its headquarters based out in Stamford, Connecticut. The company is holding second place in US for delivering efficient cable services and is listed at NASDAQ as CHTR. Charter Communications heads at rank 74 in 2018 Fortune 500 list of largest US Corporations generating revenue of US$ 43.634 billion.

Successfully catering to needs of communication and internet through Spectrum Brand to customers (regular households, corporate and institutional).

John Mathew

John Mathew loves to give information on Fortune 500 companies headquarters address and contacts. It's his hobby and passion! He has created this website to help out other people in finding important contact information of Fortune 500 companies.

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