Adidas Headquarters Address (Global and US), CEO Email Address, and HQ Phone Number
How do I contact Adidas Headquarters?
The company headquarters are located in beautiful office space in Germany. Let’s get to the detailed headquarters address information. To send your mails to Adidas Global Headquarters, you can use the given address, Adidas Global Headquarters Address is Adi-Dassler-Strasse 1, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany. If you are trying to get in touch with Adidas top-level management, you can contact them by mail using the given address detail. For visits, we suggest a prior appointment with the authorities.
Adidas Global Headquarters Address
Adidas Global Headquarters Address is Adi-Dassler-Strasse 1, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany.
Global HQ Phone Number
You can also speak to officials regarding your concerns on phone, please note down Adidas Global Headquarters Corporate Phone Number: +49 (0) 9132 84-0. To send your concern by fax, please use this fax number: +49 (0) 9132 84-2241.
USA Headquarters Address
To get in touch with Adidas USA Headquarters, you can use the listed contact info. Here is the complete contact info Adidas USA Headquarters: Adidas America, Inc., Adidas Village, 5055 N Greeley Avenue, Portland, OR 97217, USA.
US HQ Phone Number
To speak to corporate officials, please dial +1 800 982 9337 for the Adidas USA Headquarters Phone line. Or send your concern via Fax at Fax Number: +1 971 234 2450.
CEO Email Address
Looking for Adidas CEO Contacts? If yes, this section includes Adidas CEO Email Addresses for Global Headquarters and US Location. Let’s see!
- To get in touch with Global CEO Adidas, please write an email to Mr. Kasper Rorsted at Email Address:
- To contact Patricia Thomann (PA to Global Chief Executive), please write down the email address:
- To share your concern with Adidas US CEO, please write to Ros McMullin at Email Address:
IR Contacts
Have you invested in Company’s stocks and looking for assistance? Well, if yes, please get in touch with Adidas AG, Investor Relations at their address: Adi-Dassler-Strasse 1, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany. You can use this address for mailing purposes. You can also mail your request to Adidas AG, Investor Relations Official Email Address:
Press Contacts
Are you looking for press contacts to get in touch with for media inquiries? You’ve arrived at the right section. Please note down the media relations address: Adidas AG Media Relations, World of Sports, Adi-Dassler-Straße 1, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany.
The said office can only help you out in press-related matters. If you’re not a journalist, contact the general inquiry office at the headquarters.
Quick Contacts
Adidas Headquarters Address | Adi-Dassler-Strasse 1, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany |
CEO Email Address | |
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Adidas is the world’s leading sportswear manufacturing brand. The company was formed in the year 1924 and has its global headquarters located in Herzogenaurach, Germany. Adidas brand and its three stripes logo is a big charm and trend of not only sports persons or athletes, but almost every individual irrespective of age bars is a fan of its sportswear range. The company is listed at FWB (Frankfurt Stock Exchange) which is one of the largest stock exchanges in the world with the stock name ADS.
If you are interested in the company’s stocks you may follow the ticker symbol ADS at FWB. We have the financial numbers of Adidas Company for the year 2018; the company generated revenue of €21.915 billion and a net income of €1.702 billion. The assets and stocks were recorded for the same year at €15.612 billion and €6.364 billion respectively.